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Akinox Linx

Transform care quality and minimise complexity across the healthcare continuum with a secure, holistic suite of fully integrated, intuitive, patient-centric solutions.



What the Akinox Platform Can Achieve

At Akinox, we develop and deploy proven digital health solutions with built-in features that promote and enable the best possible outcomes, including:


Send real-time communication in just a few clicks. Attach files and specify which users have access control to what information.


Streamline real-time and asynchronous telehealth consultations to optimise efficiency amongst healthcare professionals and automate routine administrative tasks.

Optimised Process

Simplify daily workflows and handoffs. Meet the needs of today’s patients with cutting-edge tech that works the way healthcare teams do.


Accelerate the pace of patient intake and referrals with advanced logic and intelligent automation, which drastically reduces the time-consuming task of manual input.

Interdisciplinary Plan

Reach patients wherever they are. The Akinox platform makes it easy to provide remote patient monitoring and succinct medical team collaboration.


Use API integrations for video conferencing and patient scheduling. The Akinox platform enables healthcare professionals to easily set reminders and stay up to date.


With EMR and EHR integration, it’s never been easier to capture, analyse, and take action based on comprehensive patient data that’s all in one place.


Give patients the option to consult with a medical professional from the comfort of home. The integration with Microsoft Teams facilitates fluid and clear communication.

eConsult / eReferral

Connect healthcare professionals to enable painless, coordinated patient referrals and improve care coordination across interdisciplinary teams.



Send real-time communication in just a few clicks. Attach files and specify which users have access control to what information.



Streamline real-time and asynchronous telehealth consultations to optimise efficiency amongst healthcare professionals and automate routine administrative tasks.


Optimised Process

Simplify daily workflows and handoffs. Meet the needs of today’s patients with cutting-edge tech that works the way healthcare teams do.



Accelerate the pace of patient intake and referrals with advanced logic and intelligent automation, which drastically reduces the time-consuming task of manual input.


Interdisciplinary Plan

Reach patients wherever they are. The Akinox platform makes it easy to provide remote patient monitoring and succinct medical team collaboration.



Use API integrations for video conferencing and patient scheduling. The Akinox platform enables healthcare professionals to easily set reminders and stay up to date.



With EMR and EHR integration, it’s never been easier to capture, analyse, and take action based on comprehensive patient data that’s all in one place.



Give patients the option to consult with a medical professional from the comfort of home. The integration with Microsoft Teams facilitates fluid and clear communication.


eConsult / eReferral

Connect healthcare professionals to enable painless, coordinated patient referrals and improve care coordination across interdisciplinary teams.


Choosing the right digital health technology partner can be challenging

You need a proven solution with the right features:


Seamless Integration

Our platform integrates seamlessly with existing workflows and tech stacks to enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and improve efficiency.

Proven Results

Akinox’s reliable, end-to-end platform delivers the proven results and return on investment that healthcare tech teams are looking for.

Data Security

A stable, secure platform gives tech teams peace of mind, ensuring that healthcare information is protected and minimising compliance risks.

Highly Adaptable

No two healthcare organisations have the same exact needs, which is why Akinox develops and deploys highly configurable, scalable solutions.

24/7 Tech Support

Support is an essential component of any technology partnership. Leverage our support team’s digital health knowledge and cloud expertise 24/7.

Easy Monitoring

Pro-active device monitoring and custom reporting provide a comprehensive, easily accessible view of business operations and tech usage.

Cost Savings

Automating manual, inefficient, and outdated processes with technology helps to save healthcare organisations significant time, money, and resources.


Going digital is not only more efficient, but also helps to minimise or eliminate paper use, greatly reducing the carbon footprint.

Design Philosophy

Modern technology built for scalability and versatility

Healthcare challenges and opportunities are our inspiration for innovation. We develop, implement, and support patient-centric digital healthcare solutions that offer:

Technology for an evolving industry

Our easy-to-use platform is built using the latest and greatest emerging technologies, and easily configured to align with each organisation’s tech stack and unique needs.

Streamlined healthcare automation

Automation streamlines workflows, enhances collaboration, and improves efficiency to enable top-quality, comprehensive care delivery.


Privacy, security, and risk management

Two-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption, and role-based access ensures sensitive health information is secure and protected, minimising compliance risks.

Valuable business intelligence

With the Akinox platform, tap into interactive dashboards and custom reporting to access all key data points in one convenient location.


Configurability and scalability

Akinox offers a configurable, scalable platform that’s designed and easily adapted to grow alongside healthcare organisations of all sizes.

Interoperability and integrations

Get the most out of our platform with seamless integrations to HL7, FHIR, SOAP, REST and GraphQL so that patient data can easily be exchanged to guarantee care quality and continuity.



Innovative Technology

Akinox’s proven, innovative platform enables healthcare professionals to transform care quality across patient populations with the latest emerging technologies.

Enhanced Data Security

Protect patients' confidential information with two-factor authentication and role-based access control, ensuring strictly appropriate access to data.

Built-In Compliance

The Akinox platform interface fully supports HL7, FHIR, SOAP, REST, and GraphQL standards, meeting the latest security requirements.

Advanced Web Experience

Leverage modern web applications and cutting-edge integration technologies to revolutionize engagement and transform care at a population level.

Advanced Business Intelligence

We simplify profitability evaluation, budget planning balance, and recurring ROI generation with our business intelligence approach, which consolidates complex reports.

Cloud Flexibility

Enable medical teams to access patient records from anywhere. Akinox offers a platform that easily supports on-site or hybrid cloud, ensuring maximum and secure accessibility.

Integrated Multilingual Communication

Provide seamless multilingual communication for patients and healthcare professionals from the first visit and throughout the care journey.

Optimization Through Data Analysis

Identify successes and areas for improvement within healthcare organizations using our advanced data analysis tools and simplified access to detailed visual reports.

Comprehensive Integration

Akinox seamlessly connects to ADT, EHR, EMR, PACS systems, as well as to video conferencing solutions, appointment scheduling, and clinic-specific software. This eliminates silos and efficiently improves care coordination.

Instant Mobile Access

Clinicians need accurate and fast information about their patients. With Akinox's modern mobile web app, healthcare professionals can access essential data almost instantly, in just seconds.

Fast and Secure Technology

Download reports and conduct patient consultations while strictly adhering to current security standards. Akinox ensures fast, secure, and compliant technology with the latest privacy norms.

Continuous Access, Even Offline

Do not rely on the availability or quality of an Internet connection. Akinox allows users to access the platform both online and offline, ensuring constant availability of essential data at all times.

Centralized Communications

Access all patient-physician and clinician-specialist interactions from a centralized dashboard, ensuring unified, simple, and always up-to-date communication.

Versatility and Adaptability

Discover the multiple facets of Akinox, from telehealth to patient referrals and pandemic management. Our platform is designed to meet a wide range of healthcare needs with efficiency and flexibility.

Reduced Vendor Dependence

Thanks to Akinox's flexibility, our users can centralize their needs with a single provider, reducing dependence on external vendors and promoting optimal collaboration.

Patient-Centered Care Transformation

Adopt modern, proven technology to provide enhanced patient-centered services throughout their care journey.

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Seamless Integrations

Akinox integrates with numerous healthcare technology vendors to ease implementation and enhance benefits for all customers, including:


Use Cases

Multi-use purposes, from a single end-to-end platform

Every challenge in the healthcare industry deserves a unique solution. That’s why the Akinox platform is equipped to solve a variety of use cases, based on our customers’ day-to-day needs and the evolving digital healthcare landscape.


Telehealth and Telemedicine

Patients consult with clinicians and specialists in real time from a remote location to receive efficient and personalised care.

Social Services and Case Management

Go beyond the generic workflows to access more robust resources related to psychiatry and other social services.

Patient Referral Processes

Enable painless, seamless, coordinated patient referral processes, with full traceability and visibility so no one falls through the cracks.

Patient Portal and Messaging

Foster secure, streamlined communications between patients and relevant care team members, all in one centralised location.

Care Coordination and Transitions

Ensure proper coordination of care and painless transitions to adequately support patients along the healthcare journey.

Applied Clinical Research

Simplify research and experimentation, shorten analysis and time to publish, and narrow the gap between research and applied clinical practice.​


Optimise your workflow and communication today


physician approved

Virtual care should be seamless and accessible.

And with the Akinox platform, it’s exactly that. At least 97% of surveyed family healthcare providers rated our telehealth service as either very good or excellent for their patients.


processed test results

Pandemic response requires agility and technology.

We’ve supported the Canadian government throughout COVID-19 with case identification, citizen self-reporting, automated contact tracing, and more—and we’ll be there during the next health crisis.


Forms Filled for Child Disability Screening

Child development disorders require early action.

Akinox’s solution for identifying early child learning developmental disorders and disabilities has resulted in 94% of investigations leading to services required for the child.


improvement in care quality

Digital health automation is the way of the future.

Using Akinox’s digital health platform, more than 15,000 healthcare professionals (across 65 medical specialties) have dramatically improved quality of care, care management, process fluidity, and more.

Interested in seeing the Akinox platform in action?