Our Values Based on People | Expertise, authentic communication and shared values are essential to achieving Akinox’s goals.
1. Our Values Based on People
Expertise, authentic communication and shared values are important to achieving Akinox’s goals. Four values are essential to the company and guide its actions and decisions:- Benevolence: the importance of each person is recognized, welcoming and respecting the reality of all without judging.
- Authenticity: we are transparent with our colleagues, customers and users of our solutions.
- Equity: we adapt to the unique circumstances of our colleagues and clients in order to provide solutions tailored to their needs.
- Collaboration: we encourage teamwork, consultation and the sharing of expertise between colleagues, our clients and all users of our solutions.
Akinox ensures that these values are always present in its internal and external communication.
2. Our Unique Mission
As a healthcare technology company, Akinox wants to make a difference in the healthcare system by developing digital solutions to help health and social service organizations deliver effective, collaborative and patient-centered care. The goal is to make healthcare more accessible, easy and efficient. Our web technologies are designed specifically for modernizing healthcare systems in the 21st century. Akinox collaborators can be confident that their daily actions and decisions have a real impact on the health of Quebecers.
3. A Different Management Style
Akinox has chosen a horizontal hierarchy as its operating mode in order to put forward the points of view and expertise of all its collaborators. This type of model, which is increasingly coveted by business leaders, emphasizes the equality of positions and the collective contribution to the company’s growth. Instead of a vice president or department head, Akinox has coaches and mentors who help and inspire the company’s experts. This type of model also allows experts to develop their own position and improve their skills by performing different tasks and getting involved in different projects. Communication within the company is also easier, regardless of the expert’s role or department. Finally, by using this management style, Akinox ensures that it always puts forward its human side and the importance of its experts in the realization of the projects so dear to its founder.
“The success of Akinox is based on the expertise and knowledge of our collaborators. They are the company’s most important resource and without them none of this would be possible.”Alexander Dahl, president and founder of Akinox.
4. A Real Work/Life Balance
More and more, having a flexible schedule is becoming an important requirement in job offers that are seen in the job market. Since its founding, Akinox has been committed to ensuring that its experts have a good work-life balance. The company wants its experts to adapt their work schedule to their personal schedule and not the opposite. Flexibility is very important for the company. For those who have appointments during the day, children or obligations during the week, Akinox offers the ability to work flexible hours and work when potential and efficiency are at their highest. The 35-hour weeks also give experts the opportunity to have a lighter schedule and more flexibility to organize the weeks in a more optimal way. Furthermore, Akinox does not have (and has never had) a physical office. Everything happens 100% remotely and the experts can work from where they want and when they want. For Akinox, the collaborators are truly the most important resource and equity, trust and work-life balance are not just buzzwords, they are promises.
5. An Employee Experience Focused on Seasonality, Well-being and Laughter
Even if the company works 100% remotely, this does not mean that there is no team synergy, on the contrary. Akinox offers a great work environment with monthly team activities (trivia, quizzes and lots of other fun activities). Team gatherings are also held while respecting health measures. These types of activities allow teams to spend time together, get to know each other better and strengthen the sense of belonging to Akinox. Challenges are often carried out as well, such as the Défi Entreprise. This challenge allows organizations to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle habits, such as taking walks, going for a run or doing yoga. Akinox also participates in social causes, such as Movember, where the company makes donations to organizations with the participation of our experts.
As the personal and professional development of collaborators is also very important to Akinox, an annual training budget is also offered to company employees who want to deepen their knowledge and skills or learn new things. Finally, among the other aspects of social life at Akinox, we should mention all the non-work-related channels created on Microsoft Teams to decompress and exchange as a team where experts can help each other, talk about a book in the book club, tell funny and comical stories, recommend music, share recipes and our favourite, share pet photos.
5.1 The Great Community of Akinoxian Dogs and Cats

Collaborators are not the only ones who participate in team meetings. We also have our pets that make any gathering more joyful and entertaining. Akinox has a large community of dogs, cats, birds and other pets ready to enhance the day of our employees who are telecommuting and have plenty of time to spend with them.